Wednesday, January 11, 2012


tourist |ˈtoŏrist|
1 a person who is traveling or visiting a place for pleasure : the pyramids have drawn tourists to Egypt.

We are all the same, clinging to our possessions on the pier, protecting our delicate limbs from the brutality of the elements. We are so alike, me and the bearded man in a blue hoodie, noisily chewing on an ice cream cone as his companion stares dreamily into space. So similar are the olive-skinned American boy and the retired Chinese visitor in her red cap that I can scarcely tell them apart. They are so alike, the fathers, the mothers, the children, the aged and the wealthy on their yachts, the shopkeepers, the little girls in aquamarine shirts, hopping up the steps like little exotic birds. We are all tourists here, waiting for the next boat.

1 comment:

Kai Miethig said...

Hi there Kristia,

i am Kai from bahrain and will be in SA for 2 weeks !! I am memeber of the SMC Bahrain Chapter !!! 0027835258845 is my number here !!! Just contact me and we can catch up !! I am sitting now in Glen Village !!! Cheers and hope to hear from you !! I am rarely in the net these days so better sned me sms or so !! cheers and havea great weekend !!! ;-) Kai

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