Tuesday, September 13, 2011


close 1 |klōs|
1 a short distance away or apart in space or time : the hotel is close to the sea | her birthday and her wedding date were close together | why don't we go straight to the shops, as we're so close? | the months of living in close proximity to her were taking their toll.

I managed to drown my birthday week sorrows last night. I stupidly chased a bottle of wine with some vodka and then had a serious drunken conversation that I didn't have the courage to have while sober. For some reason I'm so afraid of owning up to my emotions. I need to work on that.

27 approaches. I'm very excited. I have a feeling this year will be filled with love. I mean the romantic kind, not the kind I already have. I think I'm ready for it.

I also think the coming year will be full of adventure. I booked a ticket to New Zealand yesterday. There'll be weddings and funerals and many, many dinners.

Two more sleeps!

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